Anaerobic digestion

Anaerobic digestion offers business opportunities

Biogas consists of methane and carbon dioxide and is created in an anaerobic digestion process by oxygen-free breakdown of organic material. An advantage with this process is that many different types of organic material can be used as raw material.

In order to test the anaerobic digestion potential of different materials, i.e. how well the material will degrade under anaerobic conditions and how much biogas can be produced per kg material, MoRe Research carries out anaerobic digestion tests. The test material is mixed with anaerobe bacteria and is digested in controlled anaerobic conditions. The gas produced is collected, its volume and composition analysed and the amount of produced gas per kg sample material is calculated.

By doing these tests we can investigate the possibility to produce biogas and create new values for our customers out of side streams and waste materials.
